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IPhone - 6 NFC Voltage Ohm
 7    405  2022-08-03 18:48:10

IPhone - 6 SIM
 4    440  2022-08-03 18:48:10

IPhone - 6 SIM Voltage Ohm
 5    436  2022-08-03 18:48:10

IPhone - 6 gyroscope
 6    426  2022-08-03 18:48:10

IPhone - 6 VBATT
 5    492  2022-08-03 18:48:10

IPhone - 6 WIFI
 4    457  2022-08-03 18:48:10

IPhone - 6 WIFI Voltage Ohm
 4    470  2022-08-03 18:48:10

IPhone - 6 LCD
 5    417  2022-08-03 18:48:10

IPhone - 6 audio frequency
 4    464  2022-08-03 18:48:10

IPhone - 6 Ring tone
 5    394  2022-08-03 18:48:10
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